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Order results

Basics and examples of ordering in Codat's APIs

In addition to queries, you can limit response data using the orderBy parameter to specify the ordering of records in the response.

The API can return results in ascending order or descending order. You can also order results returned from custom queries.

Sorting in ascending order

By default, results are sorted in ascending order. For example, if you want to return a list of invoices in ascending order, oldest first, use the following syntax: {parameter}={value}. In this case, orderBy=issueDate.

GET /companies/{companyId}/data/invoices?page=1&orderBy=issueDate

Sorting in descending order

To return results sorted in descending order you simply prepend a - to the parameter value. For example, to return the same list of invoices, this time with the newest invoice first, use the following syntax: orderBy=-issueDate.

GET /companies/{companyId}/data/invoices?page=1&orderBy=-issueDate

Ordering results from a custom query

You can also order the results returned by any custom queries that you've written. For example, you might regularly run a query that returns all outstanding bills:

GET /companies/{companyId}/data/bills?query=amountDue%3E0

To see the same list sorted in ascending order, that is the oldest outstanding bills first, you add the following syntax: orderBy=dueDate. The query becomes:

GET /companies/{companyId}/data/bills?query=amountDue%3E0&orderBy=dueDate

To see the same list sorted in descending order, that is the newest outstanding bills first, prepend - to the parameter value dueDate:

GET /companies/{companyId}/data/bills?query=amountDue%3E0&orderBy=-dueDate

You have learned:

  • How to sort data with the orderBy parameter

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