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Synchronization schedule

Gain a better understanding of how our Sync scheduler works with the settings provided via the Sync Flow.

Synchronization schedule configuration

The schedule of regular data syncs depend on the following values:

  • Start date (selected by the merchant in the Sync Flow UI)
  • Sync hour (set by the Sync Flow to the client default if available, otherwise it defaults to 00:00 am in the merchant's time zone)
  • Time zone (specified by the merchant in the Sync Flow UI)
  • Frequency (currently only daily)
"schedule": {
"selectedFrequency": "Daily",
"frequencyOptions": [
"startDate": "2022-06-15",
"syncHour": 0,
"timeZone": "Europe/London"

Daily sync option

Despite the monthly option being present in the configuration file, currently we only surface the daily option in the Sync Flow UI.

Selected frequency (selectedFrequency)stringThe sync frequency selected by the merchant.Required
Frequency options (frequencyOptions)stringThe available options for sync frequency provided by Codat. In the Sync Flow UI, only the daily option is available for a merchant to select.Required
Start date (startDate)ISO 8601 datetimeThe date from which commerce data syncing should start (only applies to the first sync).Required
Sync hour (syncHour)Number
Integers from 0 to 23 inclusive
The hour of the day that will mark the start/end of any sync period. The Sync Flow sets this value automatically to the client default if available, otherwise it defaults to midnight (00:00am) in the merchant's time zone.Optional, set to the client default if available, otherwise to 0
Time zone (timeZone)string of IANA time zones or
null (defaults to Etc/UTC)
The time zone applied to the start date and sync hour.Optional, set to ETC/Utc by default

Once the Sync Flow is completed and Codat receives the configuration, we use it to determine the sync period – the period for which commerce data will be synced in one run of the sync service.

To determine the sync period, we first establish the following values internally:

  • The sync due date: the datetime a sync becomes due based on the sync hour. It will mark the end of one sync period and the beginning of the next.

    Note that the Sync Flow sets the sync hour for you, and it's the client default if available, otherwise it's 00:00 am in the merchant's time zone. This means that the due date is at the sync hour on the next day to the day we receive the configuration.

  • The sync run date which is the datetime of the next sync execution.

Due date vs. run date

Due date and the run date are not similar. Codat manages the run date according to the system load and other factors. The time gap between the sync due date and the sync run date depends on multiple factors and may differ from one sync to another.

The start date and sync hour determine the beginning of the first sync period.

Starting from the second one, every sync starts at the due date of the previous successful sync.

Here is an example of a typical first sync:

  • Now it’s July 13, 4 pm
  • The start date is set to May 1
  • The sync hour is set to 00:00 am with the sync frequency set to daily
  • The sync due date (determined by Codat) is 00:00 am on July 14
  • The sync run date (determined by Codat) may be several hours later, for example, at 03:00 am on July 14
  • The first sync period will be from the start date May 1 (00:00 am) to the sync due date July 14 (00:00 am)
  • The next sync period will be from July 14 (00:00 am), or the last successful sync date to July 15 (00:00 am), the next sync due date.
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